Tuesday, July 6, 2010

To wish to be someone else is a waste of who you are

Everyone has their sad story and things they would love to change about themselves... When will this ever stop? Everyday we see someone driving down the road in a flashy new car and we wish we were the one driving; everyday we see the cute couple that makes us want to vomit and we wish we were "that guy" or "that girl"... Again, when will this ever stop?? The answer is never! Someone is always going to have what you don't. I have found the key to not letting yourself wish you were someone else is to make up stories in your head about these people... For instance, the cute couple that seems to follow you around right as you're feeling like there will never be anyone out there for you; I bet that cute couple just got done fighting about who cheated on who and now they are making up... This always seems to help me :) We were given this life for a reason. All the hardships one has to endure only builds character! Think of anything bad that has ever happened to you... Most likely something good has came of it! I could sit for days and think of things to improve in my life and in myself.. but I find most days it is a waste of time.. You are who you are for a reason. I have lost loved ones too early, had my heart torn out and spit on, been to hell and back. But the loved ones I lost taught be that today could be your day. You never know when your last day is so we need to live in the moment and forget about the rest. That "guy" who broke my heart proved to me that he wasn't worth my time. That I deserve someone who loves me for me.. We all wish we were different people at times but be thankful for who you are! No one has "Your Story"!

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